Good morning. Our first full length album named “riza” is being officially released by Mantra Records. We would like to say a few words...
After 4 years of recordings, among concerts rehearsals and journeys, our album is finally ready! All these experiences are collected and put in an album which in the future will remind us of the sweet memories from the past. The completion of this work filled us with satisfaction and happiness since our dream is fulfilled and it is not still an aspiration, as many others. Moreover, now we feel free and ready to move beyond.
As for “Mantra Records” now ….we decided to create this company, to look for the money needed and release the album by ourselves. We’re inexperienced but, this word in Greek has two meanings; the second one refers to the idea of infinity, so let us keep this version of this word! So we decided on our own, independently to chase our dreams without thinking of what is next.
The album will be released in a double vinyl of 500 numbered copies (available around May) .
A CD will also be released in 500 numbered copies in a cover printed in hand which will be available from Thursday the 3rd of April, and in internet. We could have released the album and sold it as an mp3 in the online music stores , but instead of that we chose to offer it for free and let you decide if you want to support us financially or not. It is also completely up to you the amount of money …And that’s not because we are wealthy and we don’t need money…The truth is that we need your support now, more than ever!
Whoever wants can contribute financially to our band by giving some money with the album downloading. But even if you don’t, you’ll make us happy too, since you listen to our music.
We wish the best for all of you. Come to our concerts so we can be in touch!
Mantra Records -
V.I.C -
download "Riza" from:
We would like to thank all the musicians who took part in the album. . We thank Yannis Chaldoupis for the years we passed together, George Pentzikis and Asteris Partalios for the collaboration and help we had among recordings and mixings all these years. Yannis Christodoulatos for his direct contribution. We also thank Diogenis Chantzopoulos for the artwork and Antonis Tsavalos who let us use some segments from the amazing work he did in his programme “Ellinon Dromena”. We can’t forget our friends from “Fuzz ink” for the cd cover, Lambros from “1000 mods” for his help and Dimitris Zarkadas for the thousand of clicks he did all of these years.
Finally, we would like to thank all the buddies from the “back to the roots” crew , all of our friends in Greece for their support and the hospitality we’ve been offered all these years, and especially our families for the faith and their support Since day 1!
V.I.C 2014
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